Microchip Icd2 Driver Download

Real-time Debugging - MPLAB ICD 3 In-Circuit Debugger is designed to support high-speed processors running at maximum speeds, allowing embedded engineers to.

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Need a new DLL patch for using MPLAB ICD 2 on Windows 7 x64.

MPLAB v8.40

Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.


Can I use this patch on Windows 7 32-bit version.

My new ICD3 is working fine on a XP machine but not in my laptop with Windows 7.



me too, especially as my Real ICE doesn t work either.




This patch was made because we had problems only on Windows 7-64 bit.  Windows 7-32 bit should work without having to use the box and we have tested that. Can you give us some more information about your laptop.  Which version of MPLAB IDE are you using and did you install it with admin privileges.


I have responded to your question about error while registering the DLL file under the MPLAB REALICE forum topic.



My ICD2 is not reconized by windows 7 64bits, no setup wizard appear whan I plug ICD2, just USB peripheral not reconized.

I m using mplab 8.43, I have tryed to update manually driver but nothing better.

I did not find the DLL patch as you indacete, I suppose it is included in MPLAB 8.43.



There is a new DLL patch for using MPLAB ICD3 and MPLAB REALICE on Windows 7-64 bit on the web. This patch with the instructions to download it is in a zip file on the MPLAB Page on the Microchip website.

The link for that is here -

SS_GET_PAGE nodeId 1406 dDocName en019469 SW007002

I can t find it.

According to the release notes my ICD 3 should work with MPLAB 8.43 on my new laptop which has Win7-64 bit, but there is a problem with the USB driver: I don t get the Found New Hardware Wizard, and the red ICD 3 Status LED is flashing. The driver is missing, according to the Control Panel.

I ll raise a support ticket.

My PICkit 2 works with the new laptop, at any rate.


post edited by leon_heller - 2010/01/30 :21

After a lot of messing about I found the cause of the problem. The driver has to be installed manually this seems to be a bug, and the Drivers64 directory has to be selected,not the lower level Win7_64 directory.

post edited by leon_heller - 2010/02/01 :54

ORIGINAL: leon_heller

When manually installing the driver windows says The file does not contain a compatible driver for your device. If the folder contains a driver make sure it is designed to work with Windows for 64-bit processor

Who has any idea to solve my problem.


I am getting pretty frustrated with trying to get my Win7 new HP laptop working with the ICD2. I tried all of the above suggestions and still get no driver message when trying to update the driver. The driver is there in the right directory, but doesn t get recognized when either the directory or the directory a level up.

Another thing I noticed was that all the Microchip stuff is located in the Program Files x86 not in. the Program Files directory. I don t know if this is a problem or not.

Some help. I have spent all day on this with no luck.



What files do you have in the Drivers64 directory. I ll check them against mine.

post edited by leon_heller - 2010/02/03 :47

The Drivers64 directory has:






The Win_64 directory has ddwin764.htm as its first file.

Does that match yours.


They look the same as mine, so should work OK.

post edited by leon_heller - 2010/02/03 :57

Are you also using an ICD2 and not an ICD3. If you are using an ICD2 what is the P/N number on the back. Mine is P/N 10-00319 R13. The reason I ask is that I thought I once saw that certain versions of the ICD2 will not work.

I m using an ICD 3.


I have windows 7 64 bit

all the drivers on the CD do not support this windows version

how can i get the usb driver of the ICD 2 for windows 7 64 bit.

Try the ICD 3 patch mentioned at the beginning of the thread. If that doesn t work it s probably best to raise a support ticket.


ORIGINAL: nealmartini

10-00319 is based on Cypress USB chips and will not be supported by Vista 64bit and Windows 7 64bit as per Microchip.


Those newer ICD2 based on PIC18F4550, 10-00397 will be supported.

ORIGINAL: Developer Moderator

64-bit VISTA is now supported by newer MPLAB ICD 2 debuggers P/N 10-00397.   Please follow instructions on installing the drivers in the MPLAB ICD 2 release notes. These are the RoHS compliant devices.

Older MPLAB ICD 2 debuggers P/N 10-00319 will NOT support 64-bit VISTA.


I have the ICD3 working just fine on a Windows XP machine. I am now attempting to migrate my project over to my new Windows 7 64 bit. I have been unsuccessful in my attempts. I installed MPLAB IDE v8.50 and then manually installed the drivers. I cannot get my computer to talk to the ICD3. I keep getting the following errors:

MPLAB ICD 3 detected

Connecting to MPLAB ICD 3

Running self test

Self test completed

Firmware Suite Version 01.20.14

Firmware type.dsPIC30F

Downloading RS

ICD3Err0021: Command not echoed properly. Sent 3f, received


ICD3Err0024: Download RS Failed

Failed to properly connect to ICD 3

I can hook this ICD 3 up to the XP machine and I don t have any problems no problems, connecting, programming, debugging are all fine. I figure because I have 8.50 I already have the dll fix. Any suggestions.


Yes, something is wrong when running Windows 7 pro with x86 mode.

I have the ICD 3 P/N 10-00421-RC and I can t find a USB driver for it. I tried both the MPLAB IDE V8.36 disk that came with the kit and the Explorer 16 V5.0 disk.

I installed MPLab IDE V8.50 thinking this would help. But I see the same problems as the other posters. Windows 7 can t find a driver even when I manually look for it in the folder C: Program Files x86 Microchip MPLAB IDE ICD3 Drivers.

I wish I knew what the name of the driver was because I suspect it is in another folder in MPLAB IDE.

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ORIGINAL: xiaofan

I can confirm this.

I have two IDC2 s one quite old and one fairly new, the older one WIN7 64 proffesional wouldn t recognize. While the newer worked, well not quite the way as told in the various documentation for WIN 7 setup, but ended up working.

The older I never got working WIN 7 simply wouldn t recognize a driver for it.

Sadly enough since the older ICD2 is still going strong, at least on XP. The casing is so worn out that the P/N isn t readable anymore.

The newer has: 10-00397-R3

A PIC listens to your commands -not your intentions.

I have Windows 7 Professional 64 bit and I loaded MPLAB. It automatically loaded into the Program Files x86 folder. I have the ICD3 and I had trouble following the installation instructions. I did finally get it working. So here are the steps needed to get MPLAB to find the ICD3.

Use the Device Manager in the Control Panel to update the driver for the Microchip USB Device. Use the browse option to find the USB driver file C: Program Files x86 Microchip MPLAB IDE Drivers64 mchpusb64.sys. Once this is installed then MPLAB will find the ICD3.

It took me a long time to find out that the USB driver file was mchpusb64.sys. I could not find this in the documentation.



I have the same problem :

I use Windows 7, I have the ICD 2 P/N 10-00397-R4 and I can t find the USB driver

I installed MPLAB IDE V8.50

I tried the link sent by H H first post but i didn t find the patch

Do you have any ideas.

Thank you for your help


Good morning,

I ve been using ICD2 for a few months on Win7-64 without problems. I had to switch to ICD3 and I m having problems. A similar post was made but didn t seem to have been resolved so here I go:

- Win7-64 with MPLAB v8.46 Tried the previous version and the newest v8.56. Results below are from 8.46

- Manually installed the drivers from the proper 64bit folder

- Manually upgraded the ICD3 firmware for the tested version of MPLAB

I get the following when trying to use the test board:

Firmware Suite Version 01.25.20

Firmware type.PIC32MX

MPLAB ICD 3 Connected.

ICD3Err0045: You must connect to a target device to use


ICD3Err0033: 4 bytes expected, 0 bytes received

ICD3Err0057: Interface test could not be completed.


The same kit was tested on XP and works fine test board, debugging.

If someone was able to resolve this problem I m more than open to suggestions.

Thanks for reading,



Having problems with Windows 7 pro 64bit and ICD3. MPLAB V8.56.

The driver is the mchpusb64.sys as displayed under the custom USB device driver details.

It locks up trying to connect, at various points. It was working on XP previously of course. I can t select programmer none as it comes back saying the programmer is busy error 5 and I have to restart MPLAB to attempt to connect again. and of course unplug the ICD3.

I m leaving the ICD3 off for 10 - 30 seconds in between restarts.

Configure select device is set to the correct MCU for my app, a dsPIC33FJ128GP804.

Problem resolved

One last restart seems to have done it. I had to restart MPLAB after it said AP download complete, RS download complete, etc But it s come back and detected the board. Leaving this for anyone else having similar issues.


Device Manager tells that ICD 2 P/N 10-00319 plugged into USB has VID_04D8 Microchip and PID_8000. Its PID is not listed in the . . Microchip MPLAB IDE Drivers64 mchpusb.inf file. Apparently this is why I cannot install the driver under Win 7 - 64 bits. 

I guess the newer revision of the ICD 2 has PID_8001, and it is listed in the inf file.

When I tried to cheat and added PID_8000 to the inf file, I could install the driver, but ICD 2 did not work anyway. It looks like P/N 10-00319 is really not supported for 64-bit Windows.


Update: I have checked the registry of a 32-bit computer with Win XP where ICD 2 P/N 10-00319 is installed. There are 2 PIDs there: PID_8000 described as Microchip MPLAB ICD 2 Firmware Loader, PID_8001 is Microchip MPLAB ICD 2 Firmware Client. When on this machine ICD 2 is plugged into USB, Device Manager shows Firmware Client with PID_8001.

post edited by AK - 2011/04/12 :26


Running Windows 7 pro 64 bit on a SONY VAIO.

I have the ICD 3 P/N 10-00421-RC and I can t install the USB driver for it. I am using trying to MPLAB IDE V8.66 and I have followed all the instructions to manually install the driver from C: Program Files x86 Microchip MPLAB IDE Drivers64, starting from the device manager where ICD3 is viewed as Other Device even tough windows displays the device s name as MPLAB ICD3 tm .

I have administrator rights on my laptop but Windows gives always the same message: Windows found software for your device but encountered an error while attempting  to install it .

Any idea that can help.



I have ICD2 P/N 10-00319 and  got trouble installing drivers in Win7 64bit.

Please, suggest the solution.


It s been over a year since I bought my ICD3 10-00421-RC. I ve been using it fine on XP32 since it did not initially work on my main Win7_x64 development machine.

But now I really need it on Win7_x64. Using two machines on a KVM is not helpful.

I did a fresh first time for MPLAB install of MPLAB880 on this PC but I just can t get the ICD3 to work.

First off, the ICD3 status in MPLAB was claiming to be version 0.00 so I updated the firmware. That went OK. Then I plugged in the test module and ran that - all OK.

Then I plugged it into my dev board and it detected a PC18FJ just fine.

But any attempt to ICSP my part just get Programming  ICD3Err0033; 4 bytes expected, 2 bytes received and then MPLAB crashes I get the Windows dialog with MPLAB IDE has stopped working.

It s 2011. Surely it should work smoothly on Win7_64 by now.

Does anyone have any idea what I m missing.

post edited by EvFarm - 2011/11/19 :49

well. it happened again when installing the latest version of malpab on my machine using window7 pro 64bit. I could not make it working. when looking at the driver s properties in the device manager they say that the driver is the one specify in the. inf file for 64-bit machines but when the ICD3 is plugged in windows keeps saying that the driver installed it is not the right one. the only way to make this thing working was install the XP Mode in my laptop. this sound stupid and it is frustrating indeed. I have been digging the internet for a the entire week end and I could not find a reasonable solution especially from whom is expected to give one microchip..


I wish you all better luck


Hi All,


Although not perfect you can still use an old 10-00319 R12 ICD2 on a Win7x64 box.

If you want a little trick to workaround the unsupported device have a look on my site.


 I tried to type it in as a post here but I kept being told I must have a bad letter in the text.


If this post offends feel free to remove or delete


post edited by hiddenvision - 2013/10/19 :11



we cannot find any patch at this link.

As this link was posted in 2009 is it still relevant to the latest versions of MPLABX, ICD3 and Real Ice equipment running on Window 7 64 bit.

If not then the post should be removed to save people spending time looking for it


Sorry I have never heard of Microchip reveiwing old posts to see if they are still current.

Or current Post to see if they are correct.

This is a User forum.

I would seriously doubt it still applies, But wait from mor input.


Thanks for reading such an old post.  At least by replying to the post we have brought it up the list.

I accept your response, but forum members looking for answers to this issue come across this post and then spend time trying to figure out where the non-existent link is.  Would not be rocket science for MC or a super member to add a quick post that this is no longer relevant.

Again thanks for taking the time to reply ;-

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Windows 7, 64-bit support

Uninstalling Incorrect USB Device Drivers 2006-2011 Microchip Technology Inc. DS51417E-page 5 COMPLEX UNINSTALL METHOD – WINDOWS 98/ME, 2000/XP.

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If the driver for the REAL ICE, ICD2 or ICD3 is not automatically installed, follow these steps to install them manually. The process is similar for Windows XP and.