Chuck Barris Father Serial Killer

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind

What New Shows w/ Black Actors Might Be Coming To TV This Fall. We Have A Full List. UPDATED w/ Series Orders By Vanessa Martinez.

The Has Two Mommies trope as used in popular culture. The two may be lovers, who have now become a family through adoption, a helpful donor, or through the.

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind script at the Internet Movie Script Database.

The Deadly Game trope as used in popular culture. The Game Show Appearance from Hell. The characters are forced to compete in a dangerous.

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind is a 2002 biographical spy comedy film depicting the life of popular game show host and producer Chuck Barris, who claimed to have.

May 12, 2014  In September 1978, Rodney Alcala was a winning contestant on Chuck Barris s The Dating Game. Barris would later claim the show was a front for his work.

Theatrical release poster

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind is a 2002 biographical spy comedy film depicting the life of popular game show host and producer Chuck Barris, who claimed to have also been an assassin for the Central Intelligence Agency CIA. The film was directed by George Clooney. It was written by Charlie Kaufman, and starred Sam Rockwell, Julia Roberts, Drew Barrymore, and Clooney.

Columbia Pictures had planned to produce a film adaptation of Barris s memoir of the same name in the late 1980s. When the film rights were purchased by producer Andrew Lazar, Charlie Kaufman was commissioned to write a new script, which attracted various A-list actors and filmmakers to the project. Bryan Singer at one point planned to direct the film with Johnny Depp in the lead role, but the production was canceled. The production resumed when Clooney took over directing duties.

Barris remained heavily involved in production in an attempt to portray the film from his point of view. To accommodate the 30 million budget, Clooney convinced actresses Drew Barrymore and Julia Roberts to lower their asking prices. Confessions of a Dangerous Mind was released with respectful reviews from critics but bombed at the box office. Rockwell, in particular, was praised for his acting and won the Silver Bear for Best Actor at the 2003 Berlin International Film Festival.


1 Plot

2 Cast

3 Production

3.1 Development

3.2 Director

3.3 Casting

3.4 Filming

4 Reception

4.1 Release

4.2 Critical response

5 References

6 Further reading

7 External links

Plot edit

Tired of being rejected by the beautiful women he lusts after, Chuck Barris Rockwell moves to Manhattan to become an NBC page with dreams of becoming famous in television but is eventually fired. He moves back to Philadelphia and becomes Dick Clark s personal assistant on American Bandstand in 1961. He writes the successful song Palisades Park and becomes romantically involved with a woman named Penny Pacino Barrymore. Chuck is given permission to pitch the concept for The Dating Game at the American Broadcasting Company ABC ; he receives 7,500 to create a television pilot for the studio. However, ABC abandons The Dating Game in favor of Hootenanny.

One night after Barris is kicked out of a bar for fighting, he is approached by CIA agent Jim Byrd Clooney, who recruits him as an assassin. Returning from a mission in Mexico, Barris finds that Penny has become a Hippie. Meanwhile, ABC decides to greenlight The Dating Game, and by 1967 the TV show is a phenomenon.

Barris takes another mission for the CIA in Helsinki, Finland, where he meets female operative Patricia Watson Roberts. He finds more success back home when The Newlywed Game goes on air. He and Penny decide to move to Los Angeles into a house, but Barris is cautious of marriage, much to Penny s dismay. The journey in Barris s life is tied in to the story of Thomas Carlyle s main character in Sartor Resartus, Teufelsdröckh, and this parallel is referred to throughout the film. In 1970, Byrd convinces Barris to go on another mission in East Berlin to assassinate communist Hans Colbert Norman Roy. Barris is introduced there to German-American agent Keeler Rutger Hauer, whom he helps to murder Colbert. However, he is captured by the KGB and, after some weeks, freed during a West-East spies exchange.

In 1976, in Los Angeles, Barris creates The Gong Show and becomes even more famous as its host; he is also criticized for lowering the general quality of television. Meanwhile, Keeler is murdered and Byrd warns Chuck of a mole in the agency. His TV shows are canceled due to poor ratings, and Penny threatens to leave him after catching him cheating on her. One night, Barris finds Byrd sitting atop the diving board of his backyard pool. Byrd reveals to Barris why he was chosen by the CIA to become an assassin: he is the son of a serial killer and has been raised during his infancy as a girl by his mother, so he fit the profile. Barris threatens to kill Byrd, and the film cuts to a point soon after Byrd is killed, with Barris still pointing his gun at him.

Faced with the unpleasant truth about himself, Barris begins to spiral out of control. After almost having a nervous breakdown on one of his shows, Barris shuts himself away in a New York City hotel. Penny manages to find him there and tries in vain to convince him to return to California to get married.

Barris finally leaves his room and confronts Patricia in Boston. After a cup of coffee with her, Barris falls to the floor, seemingly poisoned. Patricia then reveals that she is the mole. However, Barris actually tricked Patricia into drinking from the poisoned cup, and he himself wasn t actually poisoned at all. After her death, he returns home and begins to write his autobiography, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. He finally decides to marry Penny. At the end of the ceremony, he notices some of the people he previously killed among the crowd. Distraught, he confesses to her his double life as a CIA agent and assassin, but she merely laughs, assuming he is joking, and he decides not to correct her. In 2002, he prepares for an interview for the film adaptation of his autobiography.

Cast edit

Sam Rockwell as Chuck Barris, a successful game show host and producer who lives a double life as a CIA assassin

Michael Cera as young Chuck Barris

Drew Barrymore as Penny Pacino; she first meets Chuck in the 1960s and remains his girlfriend for years

George Clooney as Jim Byrd, a CIA agent who recruits Chuck

Julia Roberts as Patricia Watson, a female agent

Rutger Hauer as Keeler, a German-American spy and World War II veteran who befriends Chuck

Jerry Weintraub as Larry Goldberg, the president of the American Broadcasting Company ABC

Robert John Burke as Instructor Jenks, an eccentric FCC instructor

Michael Ensign as Simon Oliver, a British CIA supervisor who is the first of Patricia s murders

Maggie Gyllenhaal as Debbie, a stagehand who works with Barris on the set for American Bandstand, and who eventually sleeps with him

Rachelle Lefevre as Tuvia

Kristen Wilson as Loretta

Daniel Zacapa as Renda

Emilio Rivera as Benitez

Carlos Carrasco as Brazioni

Richard Kind as Casting executive

Brad Pitt and Matt Damon cameos as The Dating Game bachelors, Brad and Matt 2

Akiva Goldsman uncredited as Playboy party guest

Barris, Dick Clark, Jim Lange, Murray Langston The Unknown Comic, Jaye P. Morgan, and Gene Patton Gene Gene the Dancing Machine are featured in the film through interviews central to the storyline through self-referencing events.

Production edit

Development edit

Chuck Barris first sold the film rights of his unauthorized autobiography to Columbia Pictures in the late 1980s. Columbia president Dawn Steel greenlighted Confessions of a Dangerous Mind with Jim McBride directing. 3 McBride offered the lead role to Richard Dreyfuss, who refused to read the script because he believed Barris s morbid humor was distasteful. 4 The project was abandoned at Columbia when Steel was fired in 1989. 3 Producer Andrew Lazar optioned the film rights from Columbia in 1997 and set Confessions of a Dangerous Mind at Warner Bros. Pictures that same year. 4 Charlie Kaufman entered discussions to write a new screenplay in June 1997 3 and finished his first draft later that year. Barris gave positive feedback to Kaufman s script 5 and Curtis Hanson instantly agreed to direct 2 with Sean Penn in the lead role and George Clooney and Drew Barrymore attached to co-star. 6 7 8

Hanson eventually dropped out, but with the financial success of My Best Friend s Wedding 1997, P. J. Hogan entered discussions with Warner Bros. to direct in January 1998. 9 Mike Myers signed on to replace Sean Penn, who vacated the lead role. 10 However, negotiations with Hogan fell through; Sam Mendes, David Fincher and Darren Aronofsky all became interested in taking over the director s position. 4 11 12 Fincher and Myers were fast tracking production for Confessions in April 2000 13 but Fincher dropped out and, by that October, Brian De Palma was attached to direct with Renaissance Pictures co-financing. 14 Later that month, Warner Bros. put the project in turnaround, 15 and Myers lost interest. 6 Russell Crowe, Kevin Spacey, and Edward Norton had also been attached to the film in the early development stages. 16

In December 2000, Ben Stiller was in discussions to star as Chuck Barris, with Bryan Singer directing and Clooney still aboard. However, Stiller was forced to vacate Confessions due to scheduling conflicts with Zoolander 2001 and The Royal Tenenbaums 2001. 6 Although Singer was interested in Sam Rockwell in the lead role, 17 the director cast Johnny Depp to replace Stiller and commenced pre-production in January 2001 18 on a planned 35 million budget. 19 Renaissance Pictures was holding international distribution rights, but the filmmakers still needed more financing as well as a studio to cover distribution duties in the United States. 18

Grosvenor Park was interested in co-financing with Renaissance, 20 but the next month February 2001, Confessions was once again stalled in development. Miramax Films had been negotiating for domestic rights, but difficulties arose when Miramax also wanted to cover international rights. Renaissance was also unable to close the financing in time to accommodate both the production insurance deadline and the 65-day shooting schedule, 21 which was set to primarily take place in Montreal and British Columbia, Canada. 22 23 Artisan Entertainment then became interested in covering North American distribution rights but dropped out after the bid went over 8 million. Johnny Depp eventually went to work on other films. 21

Director edit

With Singer busy preparing X2, Confessions was rejuvenated with Clooney taking over as director. Miramax Films agreed to cover distribution duties and co-finance the film. In the end, funding for Confessions came from Miramax, Clooney s own Section Eight Productions, Village Roadshow Pictures, producer Andrew Lazar s Mad Chance, Allied Filmmakers, and The Kushner-Locke Company. 24 Clooney explained, I thought if I came on board as a director, for scale, and was able to bring everybody else on inexpensively, if I could get the film back down to 30 million, then I was going to be able to get the film made. That was a big part of my pitch to Harvey Weinstein at Miramax. 7

I was upset by the fact that Clooney took the movie from me and then cut me out after that. I m unhappy with the end result. And I m unhappy with George Clooney. I had a movie that I wrote and that isn t it. I ve always been involved in the process with Spike Jonze and Michel Gondry. If there s any rewriting to do, I do it. But with Clooney it was different; even the end of the movie is different. I mean, Clooney went on forever about how my Confessions screenplay was one of the greatest scripts he d read. But if someone truthfully felt that way they d want the person who wrote it to be on board offering their thoughts and criticisms. But Clooney didn t. And I think it s a silly way to be a director.

Writer Charlie Kaufman 25

Because Confessions was his directing debut, Clooney took inspiration from friends Steven Soderbergh and the Coen brothers for his filmmaking style. 26 Writer Charlie Kaufman said he was dissatisfied with the way Clooney treated the screenplay. I spent a lot of time working on the script, he explained, but I don t think he was interested in the things I was interested in. I ve moved on and I don t have any animosity towards Clooney, but it s a movie I don t really relate to. 27 Clooney acknowledged that Kaufman s original script contained really funky scenes that would never reach the green light of being a studio film. 5 A drug addiction subplot was removed based on Barris s request for historical authenticity. 28

Clooney was adamant that Barris become heavily involved during production in an attempt to portray the film from his point of view. 29 Barris was so enthusiastic with Clooney s work on the film that he began writing Bad Grass Never Dies ISBN 978-0-7867-1379-0, the sequel to Confessions; Miramax also owns the film rights to Bad Grass. 29 Barris filmed cameo appearances of himself during the shoot in Canada and taped a voice-over in Clooney s house. 3

When asked about Barris s claim of being a CIA assassin, Clooney commented, I don t know how much I believed it. I didn t want to officially ask him, because I didn t want him to say, I made it up. I wanted to tell the story and I thought how interesting, if it was all made up, why someone as wealthy and as successful as Chuck Barris would have to do that. I thought that was an interesting person to explore, and that s what we wanted to do with the film. 2 Clooney acknowledged that his upbringing with father Nick Clooney had a great bearing on his choice of depicting the 1960/70s game shows. My father had a game show when I was growing up called The Money Maze. I know what those sets look like. I showed the guy how to do cue cards. I grew up on them, the director reflected, and knew what it looked like and smelled like. And I know something about some of the trappings of fame, so I thought I had a unique take on it. 7

Casting edit

Casting the lead role of Barris was a long, difficult process. After two months of screen tests and everything I still wasn t able to get Sam Rockwell, Clooney reflected. 2 Rockwell had always been Clooney s first choice ever since they worked together on Welcome to Collinwood 2002. 30 Both Clooney and Barris also believed Rockwell shared an uncanny resemblance to Barris. 5 I didn t want someone too famous to play the role, the director reasoned. In my opinion, you cannot have famous people playing famous people. It doesn t work. Sam was the guy for the part, ready to break and hadn t yet. 30

Prior to his audition, Rockwell immersed himself in the role by watching episodes of The Gong Show in an attempt to impress the filmmakers. I went to LA and did an old-fashioned screen test, like a real Scarlett O Hara-type screen test, which you know they don t really do anymore, the actor remembered. 30 For research, Rockwell spent two and a half months with Barris. 31 We went to coffee shops and dinner and movies, took walks, went to the zoo; I even filmed him, Rockwell explained. I had him tape my lines in a tape recorder, and I listened to that to get his voice down. 30

Clooney cast Julia Roberts as the mysterious CIA agent Patricia Watson due to their positive working relationship in Ocean s Eleven 2001. 32 Her role was originally set for Nicole Kidman, who dropped out over scheduling conflicts with The Hours. 33 After Rockwell s casting, Confessions was once again briefly postponed; Miramax did not greenlight the film until Roberts signed on. 30 Clooney commented, Julia really helped me. Her doing the part made it possible for me to cast Sam Rockwell. He can t drive a 28 million film, but Julia certainly can. 34 Renée Zellweger and Gwyneth Paltrow were considered for the Penny Pacino role, which eventually went to Drew Barrymore. 35

Miramax was unsure of Clooney s decision to cast Rockwell 36 over other famous actors such as Robert Downey, Jr., and Ben Stiller. 35 Clooney convinced the studio into giving him the right of final cut privilege and casting Rockwell in exchange for first look deals on Full Frontal 2002 and other low-budget films from Clooney s Section Eight Productions. 36 Clooney also agreed to cameo in Miramax s Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams 2002 so Rockwell could be cast. To accommodate the 30 million budget, Clooney convinced Roberts and Barrymore to lower their asking prices. 4

Filming edit

Under Clooney s direction, filming was initially set to begin in September 2001, but principal photography did not start until January 14, 2002. 24 From January to March 2002, production for Confessions of a Dangerous Mind took place primarily in California and Montreal. 37 The Playboy Mansion scene was shot in early April at Los Angeles, California; the remaining two weeks of production took place around the Mexico – United States border. Filming for Confessions ended in late April 2002. 3

Clooney and cinematographer Newton Thomas Sigel used various techniques when portraying the different decades of Barris s life. We thought in order to go back in time, most people remember things through film, Clooney reasoned. I don t remember the 1950s – I wasn t around for them – I know the 50s through Technicolor. Not Technicolor as it was shot, but Technicolor as it has faded now. 7 The filmmakers studied various films and magazine issues of that decade for inspiration on the color palette. Racking focuses were highly stylized for scenes set in the 1960s, similar to the Spaghetti Westerns of that era. Hand-held cameras were used for scenes set in the 1970s, 7 an homage to the films of Sidney Lumet, Mike Nichols and Alan J. Pakula, primarily Klute 1971, Carnal Knowledge 1971, and The Parallax View 1974. 26 36 Bob Fosse s All That Jazz also influenced Clooney s direction. 17

Clooney commented that post-production for Confessions was stressful because he was simultaneously acting in Solaris 2002. 38

Reception edit

Release edit

To tie in with the release of the film, Miramax Books republished Barris s 1984 book. 39 The film premiered out-of-competition at the May 2002 Cannes Film Festival 40 before Miramax Films gave it a limited release in the United States on December 31, 2002; the wide release came on January 23, 2003. 41 The film only barely recouped its production costs, 42 grossing only 33.01 million, of which 16 million was domestic revenue and 17.01 million came from foreign markets. 41 It also suffered poor sales in its September 2003 Region 1 DVD release. The DVD includes over 20 minutes of deleted scenes, Rockwell s three screen tests, a short documentary titled The Real Chuck Barris, Clooney s audio commentary, and a making-of featurette. 43 44

Critical response edit

The film received positive responses from critics. Based on 158 reviews collected by Rotten Tomatoes, 79 of the reviewers enjoyed Confessions of a Dangerous Mind with an average rating of 7.1/10. 45 Metacritic calculated an average score of 67/100, based on 33 reviews. 46 Confessions of a Dangerous Mind was shown at the Berlin International Film Festival on February 10, 2003. Sam Rockwell won the Silver Bear for Best Actor and George Clooney was nominated the Golden Bear but lost to Michael Winterbottom of In This World. 47

Roger Ebert gave Confessions a positive review. George Clooney s directorial debut is not only intriguing as a story but great to look at, Ebert said, a marriage of bright pop images from the 1960s and 1970s and dark, cold spyscapes that seem to have wandered in from John le Carré. 48 Peter Travers of Rolling Stone magazine wrote that the film carried a perfect balance of dark humor and psychological drama. Clooney tackles a far-reaching absurdist fantasy with Barris as a paradigm of paranoia, Travers reviewed. He wisely hooks up with talent he worked with as an actor: cinematographer Newton Thomas Sigel, from Three Kings 1999, and editor Stephen Mirrione from Ocean s Eleven 2001. 49

Mick LaSalle from the San Francisco Chronicle wrote that there may be more entertaining and less problematic movies, but Confessions of a Dangerous Mind has something about it that hangs in there, working on the mind like a dog gnawing on a table leg. The movie makes a case for itself through sheer oddness and perversity. I m not sure Confessions is a good movie, but I am sure I like it. 50 Owen Gleiberman, writing in Entertainment Weekly, observed that Sam Rockwell is handsome in a rumpled, slightly goofy rabbit-toothed way, but he doesn t really have the look, or aura, of a movie star, Glieberman stated. He s more like a weirdly sincere space cadet, babbling to himself with puppyish befuddlement, breaking into funky soft dance moves that look as if he s been doing them in his bedroom since he was 8. All of which makes him an inspired choice to play Chuck Barris. 51

Kenneth Turan of the Los Angeles Times gave a negative review. He disliked the characterization of Chuck Barris and commented that with its multiplicity of over-stylized looks and slick gimmicks, Dangerous Mind was doubtless more stimulating to direct than it will be for audiences to experience. 52 Internet reviewer James Berardinelli wrote a mixed critique. George Clooney is eager to show how much he has learned at the hands of the A-list filmmakers he has toiled under. So we get a style that is about 50 Steven Soderbergh and 50 Coen brothers. Sometimes it works, but mostly it comes across as too artsy, with all sorts of bizarre angles and unusual shots. 53

References edit

CONFESSIONS OF A DANGEROUS MIND 15. British Board of Film Classification. 2003-01-22. Retrieved 2012-12-15. 

a b c d Nev Pierce. George Clooney: Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. BBC Online. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

a b c d e Michael Fleming 1997-06-05. 60s revivals spur rivals. Variety. Retrieved 2009-03-02.  Cite error: Invalid tag; name Chuck defined multiple times with different content see the help page.

a b c d Anne Thompson 2002-12-22. Man With a Mission: Get the Film Made. The New York Times. Retrieved 2013-09-08. 

a b c George Clooney, Chuck Barris, Sam Rockwell, Behind The Scenes of Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, 2003, Miramax Home Entertainment

a b c Michael Fleming 2000-12-11. Dangerous dealings. Variety. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

a b c d e Rebecca Murray; Fred Topel. George Clooney Talks About Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

Rebecca Murray; Fred Topel. Drew Barrymore Talks About Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

Paul Karon 1998-01-07. Hogan game for Barris bio. Variety. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

Michael Fleming 1998-08-10. Myers, WB will Doo two. Variety. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

Staff 2000-03-22. Inside Moves. Variety. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

Jessica Shaw 1999-07-30. Best Unproduced Screenplays. Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 2007-10-23. 

Michael Fleming 2000-04-11. George Hamilton s mom may be subject of pic. Variety. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

Adam Dawtrey 2000-10-20. Renaissance slates two. Variety. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

Charles Lyons; John Hopewell 2000-10-23. IEG mighty in Blighty. Variety. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

Karen Valby 2003-01-10. The Gong Goodbye. Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 2009-03-03. 

a b Dave Kehr 2003-01-03. At The Movies. The New York Times. Retrieved 2013-09-08. 

a b Dana Harris 2001-01-10. Depp, Clooney game for Barris biopic. Variety. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

Adam Dawtrey 2001-03-26. Renaissance axes sales chiefs. Variety. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

Adam Dawtrey 2001-01-31. Grosvenor fund eyes Teuton tie. Variety. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

a b Dana Harris; Cathy Dunkley 2001-02-16. Mind games stall. Variety. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

Brendan Kelly 2001-03-07. Sound shoot off as strike threat looms. Variety. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

Don Townson; Brendan Kelly 2001-02-26. Canuck prod n rises. Variety. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

a b Michael Fleming 2001-06-25. Dish: ER doc cuts big deal. Variety. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

Staff 2004-04-01. Kaufman Cusses Clooney. Empire Online. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

a b Richard Corliss; Jeffrey Ressner; Joel Stein 2003-01-13. What They Really Want is to Direct. Time. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

Neil Smith 2004-04-28. Inside screenwriter Kaufman s Mind. BBC Online. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

Spence D 2003-01-23. Being Chuck Barris. IGN. Retrieved 2009-03-03. 

a b Army Archerd 2002-02-04. Nader s death another sad finale to a glamorous H w d life. Variety. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

a b c d e Rebecca Murray; Fred Topel. Sam Rockwell Talks About Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

Nev Pierce. Sam Rockwell: Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. BBC Online. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

Michael Fleming 2001-10-30. Roberts plays Dangerous role. Variety. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

Stax 2001-09-11. Kidman Gets Dangerous Again with Clooney. IGN. Retrieved 2009-03-03. 

Lynn Hirschberg 2002-11-03. The Way We Live Now: Questions For George Clooney; True Confessions. The New York Times. Retrieved 2013-09-08. 

a b Stax 2001-09-13. Rockwell in Mind for Barris Role. IGN. Retrieved 2009-03-03. 

a b c Staff 2003-08-15. Movie Preview: Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 2009-03-03. 

Brendan Kelly 2002-02-19. Canadian complex stirs runaway debate. Variety. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

Jeff Jensen 2002-11-15. The Associates. Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 2009-03-03. 

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind Paperback. ISBN 0786888083. 

Cathy Dunkley; Adam Dawtrey 2002-05-05. Cannes Preview: Let the battles begin. Variety. Retrieved 2009-03-02. 

a b Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. Box Office Mojo. Retrieved 2009-03-03. 

Brian Linder 2003-08-19. Re-Release Mania. IGN. Retrieved 2009-03-03. 

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind 2003. Retrieved 2009-03-03. 

Staff 2003-10-03. DVD News: The Charts. Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 2009-03-03. 

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. Rotten Tomatoes. Archived from the original on May 26, 2008. Retrieved 2009-03-03. 

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. Metacritic. Retrieved 2009-03-03. 

Staff 2003-02-16. Refugees plight tops Berlin film festival. BBC Online. Retrieved 2009-03-03. 

Roger Ebert 2003-01-24. Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. Chicago Sun-Times. Retrieved 2009-03-04. 

Peter Travers 2003-01-16. Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. Rolling Stone. Archived from the original on May 28, 2008. Retrieved 2009-03-04. 

Mick LaSalle 2003-01-24. Most Dangerous Game. San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved 2009-03-04. 

Owen Gleiberman 2003-01-03. Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 2009-03-04. 

Kenneth Turan 2002-12-31. Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. Los Angeles Times. Archived from the original on December 5, 2006. Retrieved 2009-03-04. 

James Berardinelli. Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. ReelViews. Retrieved 2009-03-04. 

Further reading edit

Chuck Barris November 2002. Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. Miramax Books. ISBN 978-0-7868-8808-5. 

External links edit

Official website

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind at the Internet Movie Database

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind at the TCM Movie Database

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind at AllMovie

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind at Box Office Mojo

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind at Rotten Tomatoes

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind at Metacritic

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind at the Internet Movie Script Database

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